Someone Asked this questions
Hi.can u plz give me wat basic questions will be asked in an call center interview and how should answers be given
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I suggest you take a look at the call centre company's web site, especially the about us and our history pages, just to be familiar with company policy. This could impress interviewers.
Regarding the questions, here is some advice:
Very common for call centre work and any jobs where you’ll be using the telephone, employers will often ask you to call first, as part of a short-listing process, so they can assess your communication skills.
Generally call centre interviews involve only testing of your temperment. The HR questions will be very hard.They are going to test your Emotional Intelligence Quotient. They test your english(Communication skills). Lastly they go to subjects like programming or anything else. But the last phase is also very important
Hah!! Call Center.. As a CCE(call center executive) myself, let me give you my personal account on what it take sto qualify as Call Center exec.
Since it is a Call center, you will have to deal with calss. This point is as simple as that.
But, here is the catch, the voice. Your voice SHOULD have the flexibility for different modulations and you SHOULD be able to CLEARLY listen AND understand the contect of the calls. This is training part, i know.
Then coming to the interview part, if you successfully clear the written papers. The main goal of the interview is to gauge and find out YOUR BEHAVIOUR AND TEMPERAMENT.
This is very vital because, you, very frequently, get calls from clients(most of the time from clients from abroad) asking your help.
AND, NOT ALL calls are courtious. I am trying to be very very vague because, YOU can EXPECT any kind of voice (rude to vulgar to dead-tone to highest-pitch).
There is a very bad tendency to these people who call, that they consider US, EXECs, to be THE least previledged beings.
They tend to do all kinds of things with you and you have to keep your calm. You have to be very polite even if the person at the other end of the call is speaking absurd (read as scoldings, vulgar words, sexullay-oriented, etc..)
So, ultimately, the interview will also focus more on this aspect and you will go thru all this in interview too.
Be prepared for ANYTHING and ALL THE BEST.
I hope this answers your query.